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Humic acid’s effect for "Ten Deterioration" Symptoms of Soil

February 03, 2021

To grow crops on arable land, almost all measures can only work through the soil. A good measure is not only good for the crops, but also good for the soil, it will get twice the result with half the effort; if certain measures are good for the crops but harmful to the soil, not only Its effect on crops is limited, and it can also affect soil health, causing the soil to appear "sub-healthy", "sick", and even "dead". Therefore, humic acids products will play an important role in soil improvement.

The common symptoms of the "ten worsening" of cultivated soil are:

1. The farming layer becomes shallower. Under the conditions of long-term rotary tillage, no deep ploughing, deep loosening, mechanical rolling, and trampling, the tillage layer of cultivated land has changed from 20 to 30 cm in the past to about 10 cm. In addition, rainfall and irrigation are solid, and the position of the "plow bottom" moves up and thickens. , It becomes a hard and deep barrier layer, hindering the movement of soil moisture, nutrients and air up and down, hindering the extension of crop roots, reducing soil water storage, reducing drought resistance, deterioration of soil nutrient availability and crop nutrition. However, Humic acid water soluble could Improve the structure of soil; increase the buffering power of soil.

2. The soil organic matter is reduced. One is the long-term non-application or under-application of farmyard manure, few or irregular return of straw to the field, and no green manure, the soil organic matter cannot be supplemented; the other is the excessive application of chemical nitrogen fertilizers, and the high yield exceeding the soil load, frequent topsoil plowing , It exacerbates the depletion of soil carbon, resulting in a decrease in soil organic matter content.

And our Humic acid contain 80%min organic matter.

3. Soil compaction, poor physical and chemical properties. Due to the lack of soil organic matter in cultivated land, as well as unreasonable farming and irrigation, a large number of chemical fertilizers are used, soil acidification, and secondary soil salinization, destroying soil aggregates and causing soil compaction.

4. The soil tends to be acidified. Due to the long-term excessive use of physiological acid fertilizers and chemical nitrogen fertilizers, the acidic substances in the soil continue to increase and accumulate, and the alkaline substances such as calcium and magnesium in the soil are absorbed by crops or leached and reduced. The lack of necessary supplementary regulation makes the soil acidified. In acidic soil can largely reduce the toxins such as the ally aluminum and heavy metals, which will be bonded firmly and immobilized by humic acid.

Humic acids effect for Ten Deterioration Symptoms of Soil

5. The secondary salinization of the soil has increased. Due to the long-term excessive use of chemical fertilizers, the salt in the soil continues to accumulate, especially the accumulation of nitrate. These salts accumulate to the ground surface along with the soil moisture, forming the salinization of the soil surface.

6. Soil nutrient imbalance, macro element imbalance, lack of middle and trace elements. In daily production, fertilization is not based on the ratio of nutrient elements required by crops, soil testing formula fertilization is not carried out, excessive application of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers, no or less application of organic fertilizers and medium and trace element fertilizers, resulting in enrichment of nitrogen and phosphorus in the soil. The potassium, silicon and trace elements in the medium are exhausted and useless. Under alkaline conditions humic acid can buffer the pH can convert the nutrients and trace elements into absorbable form and promote their uptake by the roots.

7. Soil pollution. Due to the "three wastes" pollution outside the agricultural system, the residual pollution of the excessive use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and agricultural film in the agricultural system, the pollution of untreated organic fertilizers, and the pollution of harmful pathogens, they often enter the cultivated soil. When the residues of these pollutants accumulate beyond the self-purification capacity of the soil, they will "spill", directly causing pollution of heavy metals, organic compounds and pathogenic organisms in the cultivated soil.

Increase the effectiveness of herbicide, pesticide and fungicide, immobilize or reduce their harmful residues.

8. Soil erosion is serious. The soil erosion of cultivated land mainly includes water erosion, wind erosion and tillage erosion. It is mainly due to excessive soil cultivation on slopes, especially slopes with slopes greater than 15 degrees, and frequent surface soil tillage disturbances, causing soil erosion. This results in soil desertification, thinning of the soil layer, loss of nutrients, reduced water and fertilizer retention capacity, impoverished soil, and reduced cultivated land.

9. The continuity of soil causes obstacles to the soil-plant system. Since the same crops or crops of the same family are continuously planted on the same arable land, the root exudates and residues of the crops and certain pathogenic organisms accumulate in a large amount in the soil, making this arable land soil diseased. In addition, the nutrient elements required by the crop are lacking due to continuous absorption, and the unneeded nutrient elements accumulate in the soil, causing soil nutrition imbalance.

10. Facility agriculture soil deterioration syndrome. In a closed high temperature and humidity environment throughout the year or seasons, coupled with high intensive, high multiple cropping index, high intensity utilization, high frequency human interference, excessive fertilization, excessive use of medicine, excessive irrigation, excessive farming and trampling, etc. Under great pressure, the soil health of the facility deteriorated sharply. Humic acid could Reduce nitrate leaking into the groundwater and protect the underground water

Once the cultivated soil is diseased, the crops cannot live and grow normally, and the effects and effects of the production measures imposed on it will be greatly reduced. The application of "humic acid and fulvic acid bio-organic fertilizer" can restore or rebuild a healthy soil-plant system, improve the resilience and production capacity of the soil-plant system, and can easily and quickly prevent and control farmland soil diseases and plant diseases, and reduce the input of production materials , Simplify production links, reduce production costs, improve output quality, achieve safe and high-quality production, and achieve high efficiency.